Renewable Energy News

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Live Earth Run for water

The Dow Live Earth Run for Water on April 18, 2010 is a series of 6km run/walks (the average distance women and children walk everyday to secure water) taking place over the course of 24 hours in 192 countries, featuring concerts and water education activities to ignite a massive global movement to help solve the water crisis.

March 17, 2010~
Lohas sustainablility conference, Boulder, Colorado.
June 23rd-25thth, 2010 Boulder, CO
Learn how to: Successfully approach the LOHAS consumers with your products and services. Network with like-minded executives from all LOHAS market sectors. Speak directly with mainstream media who are interested in covering companies and products designed for the conscious consumer. Hear the experts’ latest trend data from the leading LOHAS market sectors.

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